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Sorting Out Your Business Energy When You Move Premises


Aggiornato: 05/05/2021, 11:31 am

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If you’re moving business premises you’ll no doubt have a to-do list as long as your arm. But one of the most important jobs is sorting out your gas and electricity bills. Here’s what you need to know…

What happens to your energy contract when you move out?

Your energy contract is linked to the supply point of the premises, which means when you move, you often won’t be able to transfer your current energy deal to your new address. To double check, it’s worth giving your supplier a ring.

If you are able to transfer your contract, your supplier should take steps to ensure the move goes as smoothly as possible and that the contract is in place for the day you move in.

If, on the other hand, you can’t transfer your contract, you should check the small print to see whether you’ll have to pay a penalty fee for exiting your deal early. If you are sticking with the same supplier but taking out a new contract, your supplier may agree to waive the fee.

Bear in mind, however, that even if you have to pay a penalty fee, switching to a more competitive energy deal with a new supplier could save you a tidy sum of money. It’s worth weighing up whether the savings you could make by switching will outweigh the cost of any penalty fees.

What steps should you take before moving?

You should inform your current energy supplier of the move at least one month in advance of the moving date. You should also inform your supplier of your new address as there may be a final bill to pay or you may even be due a refund. For this reason, it’s worth leaving any direct debits in place until you receive your final bill.

If you are staying with the same supplier, they will be able to use your details to find out whether they already manage the energy supply at your new premises. If they do, you will be asked whether you would like the supplier to provide both your gas and electricity and you will also be informed whether your current pricing arrangements can be carried over.

If you are sticking with the same supplier but they don’t already supply your new premises, a new contract will need to be arranged.

When moving day arrives, you should take a meter reading at your old premises and submit it to your existing supplier to ensure you only pay for the energy you’ve used. Your supplier will then process your Change of Tenancy notification.

What happens when you move into your new premises?

On the day you move into your new premises, you should take another meter reading. If you’re moving to a different supplier, you will need to submit these to both the current supplier of the property and the supplier(s) you’re switching to.

If you’re not sure who currently supplies the property with gas, you can call the Meter Number Helpline on 0870 608 1524.

If you’re not sure who supplies electricity, you’ll need to phone the Local Electricity Distribution Company for your area.

Unless you have an energy contract already arranged, you will usually be moved on to a ‘deemed’ rate with the new property’s current suppliers. Deemed rates are not competitive, so you’ll need to switch to a cheaper energy contract as soon as possible.

In some cases, you may find the energy supply in your new premises has been disconnected, perhaps because the previous tenant has not paid their bills, or they cancelled their contract. If this is the case, you may need to pay a reconnection fee. This will also apply if there was no business energy supply previously.

Unfortunately, it can take a while to get an energy supply connected, so if you are moving into a new build property it’s a good idea to choose a supplier and contract before you move in.

Can tenants switch energy suppliers?

If you are responsible for your energy bills and pay your supplier directly, you’re entitled to switch energy suppliers, providing your lease doesn’t state otherwise. However, it’s common courtesy to let your landlord know.

If, on the other hand, you pay your energy bills directly to your landlord, it’s usually your landlord’s responsibility to switch energy supplier and you won’t be able to. Don’t let this put you off asking your landlord to switch on your behalf, however, particularly if you believe it will save a decent sum of money.

Forbes Advisor informa i suoi lettori a scopo puramente educativo. Data l'unicità della situazione finanziaria di ciascun utente, i prodotti e i servizi da noi recensiti potrebbero non risultare adatti alle esigenze di ognuno dei nostri lettori. Non offriamo servizi di consulenza finanziaria, di advisory o di intermediazione, né raccomandiamo o consigliamo ai singoli di acquistare o vendere particolari azioni o titoli. Le informazioni relative alla performance di un asset finanziario possono subire variazioni rispetto al momento della loro pubblicazione. L’andamento registrato in passato da titoli e azioni non è indicativo rispetto al futuro